Operations Research

The MIT Operations Research Center (ORC) studies the use of advanced analytical methods for improving decision-making in a number topics and applications. Students will graduate with an MBA and an SM in Operations Research. Required coursework will focus on statistics, probability, and algorithm methodology. Graduates will be well-versed in advanced data management and optimization, which will allow them to take leadership responsibility in a growing number of roles that use data to create better processes.

LGO students completing the MBA and MS in Operations Research take:

Operations Research candidates are encouraged to take additional OR-related subjects focusing on an application area. The Operations Research Center coursework is organized into seven broad areas that students can pursue:

  • Analytics
  • Statistics and Machine Learning
  • Operations Management
  • Optimization
  • Economics and Finance
  • Transportation Systems
  • Applied Operations Research
  • Probabilistic Modeling

Sample of Classes: 2.852 Manufacturing Systems Analysis; 6.231 Dynamic Programming and Stochastic Control; 6.867 Machine Learning; 9.520 Statistical Learning Theory and Applications; 18.443 Statistics for Applications; 18.415[J] Advanced Algorithms

LGO ORC students will have unique abilities to both lead complex processes and apply advanced analytics knowledge to a variety of business problems. Interns completing their MBA and operations research degrees will likely complete their projects in a data analytics or systems optimization project.

A few recent ORC internships were:

Gianpaolo Luciano Rivera (LGO ’23)

Title: Data-driven clustering for new garment forecasting
Partner Company: Zara (Inditex, S.A.)

Katheryn Angevine (LGO ’23)

Title: Transit Time Prediction for E-Commerce Fulfillment Optimization and Carbon Emissions Reduction
Partner Company: Nike

Kenny Groszman (LGO ’22)

Title: Sequential Optimization for Prospective Patient Segmentation and Content Targeting
Partner Company: ResMed

When reviewing applications, the ORC looks for:

  • A previous degree with a strong academic record in a STEM field with extensive undergraduate level coursework in mathematics, including advanced statistics, probability, calculus, and linear algebra. Previous LGO ORC students had degrees in Mathematics, Industrial Engineering, and Physics.
  • Research interests in operations research applications, and demonstrated ability to apply advanced analytical methods in industry.
  • It is strongly recommended that a former professor write the applicant’s technical recommendation.

If you are interested in Supply Chain/Data Analytics, also check out the Civil and Environmental Engineering department’s Resilient Systems research area. Taking a broad scope to look at world-wide systems, this area highlights issues impacting the entire globe and associated natural and human-made systems. Logistics and supply chain is a very popular research area for LGO students, who take analytics and optimization courses and usually complete an internship in a supply chain or data analysis project.

MIT LGO’s mission is to develop the next generation of operations leaders. Graduates with an MBA and operations research degrees will have extensive opportunities after graduation, in line with LGO’s current placement record.

MBA and Operations Research Careers >