
The MIT LGO alumni community is a lifelong network formed among over 1,500 LGO graduates. The community shares opportunities to sustain the friendships and expertise developed during the program. Resources include:

  • LGO Alumni Resources portal: The Alumni Board recently launched a consolidated portal of resources that support LGO alumni in their professional journeys, covering jobs, networking, mentoring and career development.
  • Information about post-LGO careers: MIT Sloan career development services helps alumni make career transitions after they have left the school. As our career statistics and notable alumni detail, alumni enjoy success long after they’ve finished the LGO program, often thanks to their continued connections to other graduates.
  • Alumni networking: Throughout the year, LGO alumni and students stay in touch with LGO and MIT at a variety of events. The annual MIT LGO Alumni Conference is a major event where hundreds gather to address timely issues in operations and industry.
  • Alumni Conference: The 2024 Alumni Conference will be held in Mexico City on Oct. 17-18, 2024.
  • Alumni Board: Leaders in the LGO alumni community take responsibility to further the bond between the LGO program and its alumni. Key activities include the annual LGO Alumni Conference, LGO governance representation, and networking events. A team of Class Captains also ensures every LGO cohort stays in close touch with each other and with the broader community.
  • Women of LGO: WLGO, founded in 2007, is an alumni forum dedicated to maintaining ties among female students and graduates. WLGO pursues career development and networking initiatives for its members and works with the LGO program office to recruit outstanding women candidates. For information on WLGO, contact Meghan Wright (LGO ’19).
  • MIT LGO Under-represented Minority Alumni Group (LGO URMAG): LGO URMAG, founded in 2020, aims to bring more underrepresented minority students to the LGO program and to help strengthen a more diverse community of students and alumni through networking and mentoring. For information on LGO URMAG, contact Valery Lorou (LGO ’19).

The program relies on the generosity and stewardship of its alumni community to help support its mission and key initiatives. Please learn about how you can give to LGO.