What were you doing before LGO and why did you decide that LGO was the next step for you?
Prior to applying to LGO, I worked at an energy company where I held various roles in and collaborated across projects, engineering, risk management, benchmarking, supply chain, business transformation, operations, and commercial functions. Through these experiences spanning both technology and business functions, I realised that I enjoyed working at the intersection of the two domains and providing value to my organisation in both capacities. This realisation led me to the LGO program, which stands at the confluence of business and technology. I believed that LGO would offer me the opportunity to refine and expand upon the skills I had begun to cultivate, by providing a structured and comprehensive educational experience tailored to professionals at the intersection of these critical areas.

What is your favorite memory from your time at MIT?
I have many fond memories from my time at MIT, but a few stand out as particular favourites. One of the most fun memories was dancing the night away at an Africa Business Club event. Spending cherished time with club members and friends created an incredible sense of community. Also, I greatly enjoyed the LGO Domestic Plant Trek, which provided the opportunity to travel across the US to visit and learn about several manufacturing companies, all expenses paid. From an academic perspective, some of my most enriching experiences came from impactful classes and working with my supportive advisors and supervisors on my internship project.

How have you engaged with affinity groups or diversity initiatives while at MIT?
Within the LGO community, I participated in committees such as the LGO Allyship committee, which I helped set up the summer potluck. In the broader MIT community, I serve as a Vice President of the Africa Business Club(ABC). I am also Chair of Operations for the MIT Africa Innovate Conference(AIC) 2024 and was a member of the planning committee for AIC 2023. In addition, I am a member of the Black Business Students Association(BBSA) and the MIT Black graduate student association. I am also a member of Sloan Women in Management, where I have mentored incoming first year Sloan women. I also participate in several other clubs, volunteer at conferences and mentor first year and undergraduate students.
Do you have any advice for prospective students thinking about applying?
“Just do it!”, with adequate preparation. Do not hesitate to reach out to people and ask for help. The LGO program office, students and alumni are also great resources to utilise.