As an MIT LGO alum, you have access to several tools that will help you through your professional journey. Most of these tools are concentrated in 4 portals. We encourage you to take a few minutes to explore and bookmark them!
- LGO LinkedIn group:
- LGO Virtual Community (VC):
- MIT Sloan Alumni Portal:
- MIT Infinite Connection:
TIP: Currently the LGO VC, MIT Sloan Alumni Portal and MIT Infinite Connection use different databases, so your personal information needs to be updated separately in each one of them. Be sure your information is up to date for a better experience!
- Whether you are hiring or seeking for a new opportunity, the MIT LGO LinkedIn group is the best place to post and find jobs by and for LGOs.
TIP: Join the MIT LGO LinkedIn group and set up your notification preferences by clicking on the bell icon right below the group’s cover picture
- To browse and post job opportunities available to MIT Sloan alumni and students, check out the MIT Sloan Alumni Portal. Go to Career Resources – Job Board and Resume Data Base.
TIP: Make sure you enter all the required information to be able to browse both the job board and the MIT Sloan Resume Book
- To browse and post job opportunities available to all MIT Alumni and students, check out the MIT Alumni Job Board available in the MIT Infinite Connection portal.
TIP: Go to MIT Infinite Connection and be sure all your personal information is up to date
- You can find LGOs in specific geographic areas, classes, etc. by using the MIT LGO Virtual Community
TIP: Find LGO Alumni by location using the LGO Alumni Map in the LGO Virtual Community
- For broader MIT alumni directories, you can use the MIT Sloan Alumni Portal and MIT Infinite Connection.
TIP: Find Regional Alumni Clubs and groups of alumni with similar interests (professional or otherwise) using the “Communities” tab in the MIT Infinite Connection Portal
- For events available to the broader MIT and MIT Sloan alumni communities, you can use the MIT Sloan Alumni Portal and MIT Infinite Connection “Events” section.
TIP: The Events visible on the MIT Infinite Connection portal will be specific to the Communities you are part of. Be sure to sign up for Regional Clubs and Communities relevant to you for a better selection of events
- Consider giving back to LGO and mentoring a current LGO student. The LGO Program Office coordinates an academic year-long individual LGO student to LGO alumni pairing of informal mentorship. To sign up please complete this profile survey. Typically pairings are set up after students review and indicate preferences of available mentors in July and the mentorship runs through the following May, with connections suggested quarterly.
- For an MIT-wide network for advice, head to the MIT Alumni Advisors Hub.
- MIT Sloan’s Career Development Office (CDO) offers a variety of tools including 1:1 professional advice, access to data bases for industry and company research, mid-career change advice, compensation research and much more. Go to the MIT Sloan Alumni Portal and head to “Career Resources” to explore the resources available.
TIP: Find industry and functional specific resources using the “Industry and Company Research” section
- For an MIT-wide network for advice, head to the MIT Alumni Advisors Hub.
TIP: You can be both a mentor to students and alumni, and a mentee, using the MIT Alumni Advisors Hub
- Other than the MIT LGO LinkedIn group, the best way to keep up with the program is through our Newsletter, sent once a quarter. Make sure you add to your contacts so they don’t end up in your junk mail folder.
- Take a few minutes to set up your communication preferences on both the MIT Infinite Connection and MIT Sloan portals.
- As an MIT Alum, you now have access to an alumni email address hosted in Microsoft Outlook vs the legacy forwarding system. Make sure you set it up so you get your MIT emails in one place! As any other email account, you can set it up in your mobile device.